Dr Victor DeNoble on His Tobacco Addiction Research and His Battle Against Philip Morris

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victor-denoble-pic2 On Sunday, February 19th, Richard interviewed Victor DeNoble, the famous whistleblower that took down Phillip Morris.

Immediately following our broadcast, Victor was on C-SPAN. Click here to watch the video.

The following excerpt from a Yakima Herald news article sums up Dr. DeNoble’s experience.

‘Philip Morris, the makers of Marlboro cigarettes, hired DeNoble in 1980 to develop a cigarette that was less damaging to the human heart. His experiments on the brains of lab rats, chimpanzees and a man demonstrated that nicotine is addictive, something industry leaders would not admit publicly, he said.

The brain he showed the students belonged to a long-time smoker, who died of lung cancer at age 65 in the early 1980s. The man’s wife gave DeNoble permission to study the brain but not release the man’s name.

Philip Morris fired DeNoble for conducting those experiments, he said.

He went on to testify before Congress, playing a crucial role in lawsuit settlements, in which the industry agreed to pay several states, including Washington, more than $200 billion toward medical costs associated with cigarette smoke, public service announcements and education programs.”

Click here to listen to an interesting broadcast!